
Rodrigo, has been very active in managing the Tier 2 support. Actively involved in improving the quality. A true asset

Omkar Thatte – H Media

❝ We all found Rodrigo to be energetic and resourceful, and willing to do whatever is necessary to produce an effective product.  He is also extremely friendly, and very easy to work with: he eagerly incorporated our suggestions, and often produced clever extensions  as well.  He speaks effectively ­­ easily able to communicate his points. Thanks to his  maturity, he fit in extremely well into our team (of professors, medical doctors and grad  students); so well that many times I forgot that he was not a grad student.
In short, this promises to be an EXTREMELY successful project, thanks largely to  Rodrigo’s tremendous abilities, skills, and dedication.❞
Dr. Russ Greiner – Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning

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